El Gato Malo did a piece delving a bit into the “why” of flarthers


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is protest culture collecting the lost children? - I lit up when I clocked that subtitle. Bewitched, bothered and bewildered. I must start reading EGM again for it is what got me through spring 2020.

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when one is desperate to belong somewhere, almost anything will do

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Amenhotep to that.

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Perhaps some more contemporaneous thought on this general topic :


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Have you come across the conspiracies that dinosaurs aren’t real and the original Paul McCartney died and was replaced early on with a fake one Faul (Fake Paul)?

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Oh yes... and a lot more besides. These stories made life bearable as a civil servant.

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Love the term flarthers and the Schumann Resonance is a such a fascinating approach to proving spherical earth. Hilarious post. My question to flarthers is the explanation for the routes from Sydney to New York via either Hawaii or Dubai. But what I really want to know is what they found "broken" about the spherical hypothesis in the first place - where do they think it breaks down?

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I'm a cheeky monkey sometimes! I've never questioned them closely for fear of punching them

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All I do is argue with people all day long even though I know it's such a waste of time. After I started waking up to how much we've been lied to I thought I'd check out the moon landings, my first port of call being Wagging the Moondoggie, a book by Dave McGowan, saying they didn't happen. It seemed pretty compelling but then when I started to check the evidence itself I thought, "Oh no, the evidence is very convincing there's really no reason to doubt." When I couldn't get through to my sister and a couple of friends I thought, "OK, there's a profile of people who just don't believe anything from the authorities and those in power will recognise this profile. I wonder if the first person to say we didn't go, Bill Kaysing, was an agent whose purpose was to encourage rejection of the moon landings in order to undermine the disbelievers when they call out the many real lies Boy-Who-Cried-Wolf style."

Sure enough! With the greatest chutzpah, they made him Head of Technical Publications at Rocketdyne, the company that made the rockets to go to the moon, and had him spout complete nonsense knowing that the disbelievers wouldn't pick up the impossibility of him being who he was said to be ... and to my knowledge no disbeliever has.

I'd say there's a very good chance that Flat Earth is a similar kind of psyop to the anti-moon landing propaganda campaign and, in fact, that's what a lot of psyop analysts who aren't flarthers say.

My other question is: why would you use a planar term for a three-dimensional object? That drives me crazy. If you think it's not spherical then use a term that describes it's actual shape.

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Conspiracies within conspiracies. Not unlike a dog chasing its tail.

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Now THAT thought (dog chasing tail) in view of my comment to Petra Liverani REALLY boggles the mind.

If a dog could chase its tail fast enough would the dog become flat?

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Getting as crazy as the flarthers. Better shut up for now and have a quiet cuppa, and of course a biscuit.

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Never thought about why before! Set me wondering. Many galaxies are more or less flat, (or frisbee shaped) so why aren't stars and planets flat too? Or why aren't all galaxies spherical instead of only some? And is the universe spherical? Or...???

I don't know that much about astronomy (too mathematical for my number challenged brain) but maybe it's to do with their mass, speed of rotation and/or what they are made of?

Earth is slightly squashed down (called an oblate spheroid) but one of the planets (Saturn, just looked it up) is much more squashed, though still more or less round. According to the article it's because it spins very fast. maybe that applies to stars and galaxies too? There must be tremendous centrifugal force on the outer edges of a galaxy.

Oh, here you go. It's at least partly to do with the rotation. Neutron stars must be almost flat but I wouldn't like to visit one!

So the earth is just too slow to play frisbee.


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Interesting. I looked up why galaxies are different shapes on ChatGPT and got this:


I also looked up why earth is said to be an oblate spheroid when it looks completely spherical and was told the difference in the polar and equatorial diameters is only 42 km which, of course, is tiny in comparison to the diameters, 12,714 km and 12,756 km respectively. It said in your linked article 1 in 300 but I was just curious to see what else I'd see.

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I'm longing to have a go at this subject but no time at the moment. Just to say that in spite of the claims of some people, including ignorant clerics, the Bible doesn't actually say the earth is flat, even though an English translation might give that impression. Neither of course does the evidence.

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Bang on! It's like a form of psychosis.

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